Although several good kora tablature systems exist, this one seems
pretty intuitive and easy to use:


You can download and use the blank form immediately above to either print out 
& then pen in your music or just use the blank form on your computer and add 
the notes in text, using manyof the available image programs that allow adding 
text to images (Windows "paint/Paintbox" works fine. Then print out the results.

"Timing" is easy, each vertical blue line advancing like clockwork.
"Rests" are indicated by vacant blue line(s) .

The red dots on the blue lines represent the locations of the four key
notes on the instrument (ie: four octaves of "F" for an "F" tuned kora).

I make the left-side notes in red and the right-side notes in black.

Please let me know your thoughts or ideas.
A thought: Maybe could draw up a short page for this website detailing
all of the various kora tab ideas??  Might be useful.

PS: Another subject: "Fine-tuners for kora".  Been mentally & "workbench"
thinking about this for years - - made several prototypes but with limited
success. Any ideas here??

Dennis Havlena - W8MI
Straits of Mackinac,
northern Michigan

Click here to access my webpage


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